Our responsibilites
Passionate about people, society and the environment
Corporate Social Responsibility
At Roadside Services and Solutions, we are a responsible corporate citizen and conduct business with integrity and honesty at all times. We use an Integrated Management System (IMS) which provides a framework for the direction and control of the business, ensuring compliance, safety and quality standards are always met.
We have formalised CSR policies for a number of important topics, including:

We use an environmental management strategy to ensure we minimise the impact of our operations on the environment and reduce the resources we use to meet with community, stakeholder and personnel expectations.
We implement best practices and have an integrated management system in place which adheres to ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Systems). Our personnel follow written procedures for acting responsibly and maintaining the environment in the performance of our tasks. Wherever possible, we use recycled materials, clean energy sources and processes which do not adversely affect our environment.
We contribute to the community through fundraising events and donations to support community groups and organisations. We also provide support for disadvantaged people through various employment programs.
We also ensure we work in a manner which is mindful and respectful of local communities and we provide a positive outcome in those areas.

Social Procurement
Roadside Services and Solutions holds social procurement at the forefront of its business endeavours. Partnering with a variety of socially responsible businesses, Roadside has developed its supply chain and recruitment platforms to provide opportunity to all members of the community.
Roadside strives to not only provide a service that holds public safety at its forefront, but to reach further and leave a positive mark in the community. Through social procurement, Roadside promotes and empowers diversity within the workplace and the wider community. Roadside partners with businesses aimed at creating social change and actively supports programs such as prisoner rehabilitation, mentoring and upgrading of job skills, the recruitment of Indigenous people, people with disabilities, and people who find themselves on the fringes.
Roadside uses the services of companies and businesses who also engage in social procurement endeavours by appointing them as service providers in the areas of recruitment, training, cleaning services, catering services, stationery and printing services. In this way, Roadside not only promotes socially responsible procurement through its service, but also engages with partners and suppliers who share Roadside’s social procurement and ethical goals and standards.
Roadside strives to keep growing its level of social procurement in order to generate additional social value to the wider community as well as being a trusted and safe service company.
Roadside Services and Solutions has embarked on the journey of establishing a formal statement of commitment to reconciliation.
A working group has been established to develop initiatives to unite Australians and recognise the endeavours of the first people of our nation.
Roadside’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) began in 2019 with clear objectives to unite people of all races and identify opportunities to advance the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people within the communities in which Roadside services.
As Roadside delivers significant infrastructure projects across Australia, the company’s vision is to embrace and connect with communities promoting inclusion of all races and creating outcomes that drive harmony and drive prosperity.
Roadside Services is committed to supporting the three pillars of RAP – relationships, respect and opportunities.
We strive to grow our relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, respect the contribution they have made to our country and recognise their cultural heritage and status as the first people of Australia.
As part of our RAP we are developing opportunities to provide career paths for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to reach their full potential.

We promote a positive and inclusive culture for all employees at Roadside Services and Solutions. We champion personal and professional growth by creating an environment anchored in the values of teamwork, trust and respect.
Our employees are team players who encourage each other to succeed in the pursuit of our shared goals. This means clients benefit from their collective skills, in-depth knowledge, talents and expertise.