Industry-leading materials and manufacturing

We design, manufacture and install wayfinding and directional signs. Our sign products are made using industry-leading products from ORAFOL.  They are backed by our 12-year warranty – through the ORAFOL Premium Warranty Programme.

Whatever type of signage you need, we can provide the full solution. We can design and manufacture signs for any company, organisation or road authority. Our team has the expertise you need and there’s no job too big or too small.

  • Suitable for a wide variety of applications
  • Backed by an industry-leading 12-year warranty
  • Designed and manufactured to your exact requirements
  • Compliant with Australian standards

Signmaking solutions

  • Design & Manufacturing

    We design and manufacture all signs In-house in Adelaide and Darwin.

  • Accessories & Hardware

    All Roadside Services signs are fitted with the best anti-theft fixtures and devices.

  • Plastic

    Oxford Plastics products provide durable worksite safety solutions for common hazards.

  • Safety

    Safety products enable clear communication of safety standards and procedures.

  • Installation

    Clients can have their signs designed, manufactured and installed by us.

Road and directional sign applications

Our signage products can be custom-designed and manufactured to suit any requirements. We also hold a large number of signs in stock, ready for immediate dispatch. Our signage solutions include:

  • Wayfinding and directional reflective signs
  • Guide signs for freeways
  • Suburban and rural directional signs
  • Informational and descriptive signs

Road signs in action

Diamond Grade Corflute signage for Australian Traffic Control


ATC needed urgent supply of a large number of Diamond Grade C/Flute signage for their fleet of utes and traffic management crews. The signs and multi message frames were needed for various roadworks jobs, some of which were urgent.


Using our two state-of-the-art DURST Roll-to-Roll/Flatbed UV Inkjet-Printers, we were able to print and manufacturer the signage with a fast turnaround time. We met all of ATC’s requirements, including their short deadline.

Signmaking documentation


Signage Catalogue
Warning signs specifications range
VicRoads regulatory signs
Standard mounting heights
Sign post selection guide
Roadside Signs and Product Catalogue
Orafol Roadside Services Reflective Catalogue
Orafol Roadside Services 12 year warranty

Design & manufacturing

Warning signage


Signage installation specifications