Civil Works

Civil construction, upgrades and maintenance

Reliable and compliant civil works

Our civil construction team is qualified to provide a wide variety of works to meet your exact requirements. We are registered building work contractors and provide landscaping, retaining walls and paving work.  We also undertake drainage upgrades and maintenance.

All civil works are carried out by our team of highly experienced professionals in accordance with Australian standards and industry best practices. Our civil construction solutions are:

  • Conducted safely by our licensed, expert team

  • Compliant with Australian standards

  • Completed on time to meet your exact requirements and specifications

Civil works solutions

We can provide civil works to achieve a wide variety of desired outcomes. We can deliver your project on time and to your requirements. Our civil works solutions include:

  • Drainage pipe and pit construction for stormwater management

  • Kerb and channel works to ensure public safety and stormwater drainage

  • Road construction and maintenance

  • Concrete footpath and vehicle crossing works

  • Construction of traffic islands

Civil works in action

Roadside delivers world class Goolwa Sports Precinct

The new Goolwa Sports Precinct is the shining jewel in the crown of Alexandrina Council.
Roadside Services and Solutions delivered a series of civil and infrastructure works for the Goolwa Sports Precinct over the last 12 months.

The works at the Goolwa Sports Precinct included:


  • three new netball courts
  • three refurbished netball courts
  • cricket nets
  • new playground/landscape works
  • installation of 500 lineal metres of various fencing
  • new Lions Club building
  • new club rooms with bar and kitchen, men and women’s changerooms and fitness facilities.


  • bulk earthworks
  • major stormwater detention
  • installing a pump station.
  • the base course
  • hotmix and acrylic surfacing
  • chainmesh fencing
  • installation of street furniture.
  • new court lighting to the six courts and the oval.