Appreciation for Roadside team work delivery

Appreciation for Roadside team work delivery

Published On: 9 August 2020By

Appreciation has been extended publicly from clients in Victoria and the Northern Territory who have congratulated the Roadside team’s commitment and level of service delivery to the job. The Roadside civils team has recently completed a job in Knox City Council area fixing significant drainage easement issues which had caused cracking to a residential property.

The property owner Bronwyn Gilbert and her mother became well-known to our civil works crew as they carried out the repairs and reinstatement of the area, each day. Morning tea became a treat for the Roadside crew as Bronwyn would deliver tea, coffee and biscuits to the Roadside team on the job.

In a letter of appreciation to Knox City Council Mayor and to Roadside management, Bronwyn Gilbert wrote:

My name is Bronwyn Gilbert. Born and bred in Knox. Mum and Dad bought land and built in Hilda Ave, in 1963. We’ve been in Knox ever since. After returning home from a prolonged hospital stay, last year, we noticed cracks in brick work. After a very protracted investigation, it was apparent it was easement drainage problems. My first contact with that department of the council.This repair has grown and grown with each shovel of dirt moved, more problems! So, since MAY 2020, mum and I have had council and contractors here working Let’s just say, what an absolute pleasure it has been, dealing with them all!

From the engineers, Tim Day, Joe Furno and Antony Vella, coordinating with them, has been a breeze and they should be applauded for their consideration, communication and customer service! The contractors, Dale, Dom, Andy, Travis and Ron, from Roadside Services and Solutions have been so marvellous, going above and beyond. They communicated everything, never taking a liberty and were always, courteous, kind and respectful. This is a company, Knox Council needs to treasure! This could have been a harrowing, stressful experience for us, compounded with Covid isolation, but it has been the opposite, feeling like we had mates here, working for us! For us, it’s been an absolute pleasure! For them, the work has been arduous and taxing, but undertaken with the greatest respect and professionalism!

I worked in the Emergency Services for 25 years, and I know how easy it is to complain, but I also know the value of praise and positive feedback, where its due and its due in bucket loads for these guys!

Meanwhile in the Northern Territory Roadside Services and Solutions was pleased to assist Wildcare replace stolen and vandalised signs they had erected on the Stuart Highway between Darwin and Katharine. In the most recent issue of the Wildcare newsletter, Wildcare members thanked Roadside’s Darwin team with the following acknowledgement:

Sadly one of our road signs went missing this year and another was vandalised. I went to several companies asking for a price to purchase some new signs. Ady from Roadside Services and Solutions kindly approached the directors and they agreed to donate 10 new signs! The new design is slightly different but very strking. They have also printed 2 signs to be installed down in Katharine with the contact number for Katharine.

Roadside values the people and communities in which we operate and taking that extra step to show we care is all part of our job delivery. These acknowledgements certainly keep us motivated to keep up our good work.

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