Having a whale of a time

Having a whale of a time

Published On: 8 August 2023By

Visitors to the Victor Harbour Esplanade are sure to have a whale of a time when they next visit this iconic location where land meets the Southern Ocean.

In fact, the Roadside Services and Solutions South Australia team had equally a whale of a time designing these signs for the City of Victor Harbour.

Roadside manufactured a total of nine signs. Six entry signs and three exit signs which feature the iconic whale design immediately highlighting to visitors whales can be seen swimming offshore during the migration season.

The Roadside manufactured signs used the latest technology for cutting and printing to create these tailored designs.

Roadside Services and Solutions Managing Director Craig Woods says the Victor Harbour Esplanade car park was upgraded recently to the new Easy Park pay by app parking system. The signage refresh was part of the car park parking system upgrade.

“We were thrilled to work with City of Victor Harbour council officers in creating these new sign designs and also the wording to leave an impression with visitors,” Craig Woods said.

“It was the first time we’d produced this design and we have the ability to create many other tailored designs for our customers. We look forward to creating more of these tailored designs,” Craig Woods said.

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