Nick Ogle lends a hand in all parts of the manufacturing plant

Nick Ogle lends a hand in all parts of the manufacturing plant

Published On: 17 September 2023By

Nick Ogle lends a hand in all parts of the manufacturing plant

Nick Ogle is Roadside’s man who can do almost every job in the signs manufacturing plant. He has the skills to do everything and he puts them to good use every day helping all the team in the different sign making stations with any requirements they might have to complete their tasks and ensure jobs are completed on time.

“When I make something, I make sure it’s made to the standard of something I would buy and that’s what keeps us all making sure we do our best work,” Nick Ogle says.

Nick has just clocked 10 years working at Roadside and over this time has learned all work areas of the signmaking division.

“I basically do a bit of everything at Roadside. One of the main jobs I do is strut the signs that are hung over major highways. I do graphic design work too,” Nick Ogle says.

“I was taught to use the router when I first started at Roadside 10 years ago. Now I do installs, car and vehicle wraps, take over the digital printer when one of the staff are unavailable, and basically learned the skills to fill in across every part of the signs manufacturing business.

“I really enjoy doing the artwork and design and I even maintain the garden around here. Of course keeping the manufacturing plant tidy and dust-free is really important so that we can produce our best work in a clean and tidy environment.”

Nick Ogle says while it’s a bit of a commute to get to work every day, he likes that Roadside allows him to start at 5.30am before the traffic starts and he gets to finish earlier too to get home to spend the afternoon with his family.

“I have been really loving working at Roadside and I look forward to seeing out my career here,” Nick Ogle says.

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