Northern Territory operations growing

Northern Territory operations growing

Published On: 28 July 2023By

Northern Territory operations growing

Roadside continues to grow its Northern Territory operations with its expanding team of sign manufacturers and customer liaison team.

The expanded Roadside manufacturing premises located at 29 Winnellie Road, Winnellie, supplies signs, bollards, traffic cones, the new Northern Territory government approved corflute and multi-message frames to support all the territory’s traffic management requirements.

Together with supporting manufacturing operations in Adelaide and Melbourne, Roadside Services and Solutions is able to supply all Australian states and territories with signage requirements.

Roadside is fully equipped to service the mining industry requirements offering reflective tapes, safety supporting reflective products and signage for all minesite requirements across the Northern Territory, Western Australia and Queensland from its Northern Territory manufacturing plant.

Roadside is currently looking at upgrading its Northern Territory signs manufacturing equipment with new machinery that can triple the current output.

Mining needs in South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania and New South Wales are easily serviced by Roadside’s well-established manufacturing plants in South Australia and Victoria.

On road, off road, turning left, turning right, stopped or on the go, Roadside services has a solution for all your needs. When in Darwin, don’t just drive past our workshop located at 29 Winnellie Road, Winnellie, call in and see how we can create a safer environment for your needs.

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