Roadside team completes Certificate III in Civil Construction

Roadside team completes Certificate III in Civil Construction

Published On: 18 January 2021By

The staff on the course were supported by Roadside management throughout the two-year course.

Roadside Services and Solutions Civil Works Manager Glenn McAsey mentored his team throughout the course to ensure their successful completion of the RII30915 Certificate III in Civil Construction facilitated by the National Skills Institute.

The six Roadside team course graduates are: Daniel Kennett, Ashley Grace, Dale Robertson, Craig Brown, Tim Barthelson, and Charng Ung.

When the Roadside Services Victorian Civil Works team were approached about this course, they jumped at the idea knowing they had the support of their bosses.

Roadside Services Managing Director Craig Woods says the certificate has provided further recognition of the extensive skills and experience they apply in their roles every day.

“We always implement best practice and standards, and this course has formalised the team’s expertise with a certificate qualification.”

“Achieving best practice and working to the highest standards are the two principles embedded within our operation for sign, barrier, guard rail and bollard installations as well as road reconstruction, kerb preparation, footpath construction and drainage installation,” Craig Woods says.

“The dedication of this team, led by Civil Works Manager Glenn McAsey and supported by Civil Works Administrator Daniel Kennett, to enrol in this course and obtain this qualification, is a great example of Roadside living up to our value proposition to offer customers consistent, quality service, backed up by professional, skilled and reliable people.”

“We are proud to be investing in their training and development,” says Craig Woods.

The team completed their course and training through the National Skills Institute with the course supported by MEGT in Ringwood.

The three year course was conducted onsite at Roadside Services and Solutions Bayswater operation and with the support of management the enrolled staff were able to complete the course within two years with the assistance of on-the-job training and formal classroom facilitation.

The completion of the Certificate III in Civil Construction will benefit the Roadside team in skilling them to provide a higher quality service through their newly acquired qualifications along with the strengthened relationship among team members and their bosses.

Roadside Services Managing Director Craig Woods says, “We plan to continue to build on this training success for more team members in the future and are always in search of ways to improve and provide the highest quality service to all our customers and clients.”

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