Roadside team networks with Ventia AGFMA suppliers
Roadside team networks with Ventia AGFMA suppliers

The Roadside Services and Solutions team attended Ventia’s inaugural meet the vendor function held at Ventia’s head office in Adelaide this month.
Ventia was awarded the 9 year Across Government Facilities Management Arrangement (AGFMA) by the South Australian Government in 2021.
Roadside has been engaged by Ventia as a sub contractor to assist in hospital works, supply and installation of signage and more recently in the Aldgate Primary School sports courts renewal for which Roadside received a Ventia award for outstanding work.
Currently Roadside is involved in delivering the McLarenvale Primary School sports courts renewal works which are expected to be completed next month.
On behalf of more than 47 government agencies across South Australia, the Arrangement covers asset management for government-owned facilities such as schools, hospitals and police stations.
This month’s Ventia-hosted meet the vendor networking event was attended by some 80 people representing companies subcontracting to Ventia to deliver the government works. Roadside Services and Solutions was represented by Kim Poole and Paul Mitchell at the event.